
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Naruto Shippuuden 132: In Attendance, the Six Paths of Pain

Jiraiya fights the 3 Pain, blinds one of the them Lord Fukasaku suspects that all the Pain shares one same vision and one eye.Jiraiya discovers that each bodies only has one purpose or ability. Jiraiya stalls for time while Lord Fukasaku and Lady Shima prepare a powerful genjutsu to defeat Pain and were successful in doing so.While Jiraiya kills all the three body of the Pain. Another new Pain ambushes him and destroys Jiraiya's left arm.As Jiraiya looks up, six Pain stands before him including the 3 that he just killed. Jiraiya stands horrified who and what Pain is.To Be Continued...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bleach 242: Shinigami and Zanpakutō, Total Sortie

The human form zanpakuto begins to attack the Shinigami. Izuru begins fighting Kazeshini, suspecting its personality is based on Hisagi's suppresed negative impulses.Yumichika Ayasegawa faces his zanpakuto Ruri-iro Kujaku and exchange insults.Captain Soi Fon fights Tenken and Gonryomaru at once and was surprised by Gonryomaru smoke attack from above.Ichigo confronts Byakuya, but is intercepted by Senbonzakura. Ichigo and Senbonzakura fights each other with their Bankai.Madarame Ikkaku faces his zanpakuto Houzukimaru again, although Houzukimaru uses his Bankai again, Ikkaku managed to defeat his by breaking Houzukimaru's blade and managed to withstand his "awaken dragon attack" and claims victory.Meanwhile, Vice-Captain Kotetsu Isane and Vice-Captain Iba encounters Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi's zanpakuto Ashisogi Jizo when they're on their way to assist the wounded.To Be Continued...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Naruto Shippuuden 131: Honored Sage Mode!

Jiraiya and Gamaken begins their battle against Pain, who has hidden himself using camouflage.Jiraiya uses a barrier jutsu to try and find Pain while he prepares to enter into Sage Mode.Meanwhile, Pain uses summoning jutsu to assault Jiraiya with a barrage of animals - multiplying dogs, a birl, a rhino, and a bull.
Jiraiya finally enters into Sage Mode, summoning to Lord Fukasaku and Lady Shima to assist him, and sends Gamaken back home.Lord Fukasaku and Lady Shima finds Pain and kills his chameleon. Pain summons to more bodies, humans this time.To Be Continued...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bleach 241: For the Sake of Pride! Byakuya vs. Renji

Captain Kyoraku, Ukitake, Unohana discuss the betrayal of Captain Byakuya, and discovers that the zanpakuto is killed by anyone other than its owner, will be unusable anymore.Byakuya returns to the human form zanpokutos' hideout, and proves his loyalty by defeating and seemingly killing Sode No Shirayuki, leaving Rukia unable to use her zanpakuto.Rukia and Renji investigates Byakuya's office, but Byakuya arrives with Senbonzakura, tossing the remains of Sode No Shirayuki towards Rukia.
Zabimaru arrives to help Renji fight Byakuya and Senbonzakura, but they're overpowered by Senbonzakura and Byakuya.Other zanpaluto including Tenken, Houzukimaru, Wabisuke, Ruri-iro Kujaku, Gonryomaru arrives. Captain Soi Fon arrives with the 2nd Division surrounding the zanpakuto's. The zanpakuto owners comes out to fight them, and Ichigo confronts Kuchiki Byakuya.To Be Continued...