
Friday, November 26, 2010

Umanosuke Iida Passes Away

Anime director, Jun Kamiya (D.I.C.E., Clamp School) reported in his Twitter account that fellow director, Umanosuke Iida passed away at the age of 49. Manga-ka, Koichi Tokita (Manga adaptations of Gundam X, SEED, Wing and G) confirmed the news later on.

I tried looking for his picture online but I can't find one, so the top pic was one of his well known works as a director, Hellsing. Some of his other works include:

- Cowboy Bebop (storyboard)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (director ep 6 - 11)
- Devilman: The Birth (director, script)
- Devilman: The Demon Bird (director, script)
- Tide-Line Blue (director, original work)
- Yukikaze (planner, producer)
- Gin'iro no Kami no Agito (original work)
- GaoGaiGar Final (storyboard)
- Tetsuwan Birdy Decode (storyboard)
- Blassreiter (storyboard)
- Super Robot Taisen OG: Divine Wars (storyboard)
- Shangri-La (storyboard, design works)

From all of us here, condolences to his family and he will be eternally remembered for his contributions in his chosen field.

Source: ANN, MyAnimeList (For the list of known works)