
Friday, November 12, 2010

Mercedes Builds the World’s Most Advanced Driving Simulator [with Video]

If you're a fan of realistic driving games likes the Gran Turismo, then you're really going to dig this one. Meet Mercedes-Benz's professional driving simulator that comes with a 360o, precise landscape imagery and a twelve-meter long rail for transverse movements. The driving simulator, however, was not made for racing games but to help the German manufacturer to "research the behavior of the driver and vehicle in road traffic even more intensively".

Shaped like a hexapod, the simulator cell contains a real Mercedes model inside and is mounted on six mobile legs. A 360 degree projection screen simulates a realistic traffic scene, with oncoming vehicles, moving pedestrians and urban surroundings.

The vehicle controls are linked to a computer capable of calculating the behavior of the car more than 1,000 times per second, so whatever the test driver does the effects are the same as in real traffic situations. Accelerate hard and the noise of the car rises. Brake hard and it dives.

I'm not sure what happens when you try to drift, but hydraulics and electric motors can move the cell transversely by up to twelve meters – and at a maximum speed of 36 km/h (22 mph) – so at least double lane-changes can be simulated.

Scroll down to watch a video of grown men playing in the name of science.

By Csaba Daradics


