
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Star Driver 06 - The King's Pillar Review

Finally, the series has something interesting to look out for! This episode is just the prelude of things to come in the next episode. In this episode, it is somewhat a very special day to one of our characters because it is his birthday… and Takuto, for the first time (Second, if you consider the incident in which they were stuck in a different dimension their first date) had dated Wako!

Most parts of the episode focus more on the date between Takuto and Wako but this is not the reason why I am reviewing this one. This episode partly focuses on Sugata, one of the characters of the series that never had much focus. Aside from being rich and being served by maids that wear animal ears, it turns out that he owns the strongest Cybody around, the King Cybody and that once he activates its first phase, the King’s Pillar, he would end up in a comatose state.

I tried screen capturing a better close up shot, but after more than 20+ tries, I failed.

This is one of the rare moments in the series that fights never occurred in Zero Time. Surprisingly, Sugata’s maids turned out to be katana wielding, cat suit wielding battle maids! No kidding!

The fight choreography between the maids versus Mermaidoll is well done, but the problem with it is that they never gave much close up shots in their rather interesting bout. Look, the stunts, the animation and I mean looked great from a distance; imagine it in a closer range. I would be amazed if I will see it! What’s wrong with the drector and decide to focus on the fight under Takuto’s pants?! What the hell?!

Anyways, back at Takuto. This is where we can say the influence in him being a Galactic Pretty Boy stands out. Aside from fighting Mermaidoll with two katanas that the maids let him use, we saw that Takuto even outside Zero Time uses the same fighting style that he used while controlling his Cybody. This is not the first time we saw it. The first is when he spar with that guy from back then when Takuto and co. decided to work part time for that busty married green haired chick who leads the Adult Bank of the Glittering Crux. Sorry, I am quite bad in remembering the names of minor characters. :P

Like I said, this episode also focuses on Sugata and him being the one who can control the King Cybody. This is the true highlight of this episode. He using the King Cybody was epic.

Aside from the knife throw he did to one of the Mermaidolls while Takuto and co. are in quite a pinch, the fact that he wears his training gear makes it awesome. Plus, the crater that the impact of just activating its first phase made it clear to the viewers that Sugata is one guy you shouldn’t mess around.

Overall, the episode is a good buildup to the next episode. That’s all you need to know. It’s just a good buildup episode but not a good stand alone episode. If I would pick the best stand alone episode, it might be episodes 3 and 4. Three, because of the good sword fights and four, because its just one fun episode to watch aside that they are in some illusion.

Sidenote: Weird, I never made an original title for this Random Review!