
Sunday, December 26, 2010

OOO Toputerano Combo Roaring Concept Art!

Weird, I was talking about this Combo with my lil' bro yesterday... while throwing Meet the Robinsons references!

Anyways, coming from the same guy who posted the recent rumors has posted his drawings regarding to OOO's dinosaur Combo, ToPuTerano (Triceratops, Pterodactyl and T-Rex)!

On the left is the Triceratops head of the Combo while on the right is the rumored all CGI Berserk Mode, in which we can clearly see the T-Rex legs and Pterodactyl wings.

Besides this text is the full body shot of OOO Toputerano Combo and accordingly, he can use the T-Rex tail as a sword!

The poster drew these pictures by memory and so, he made some notes regarding the dino combo design. Like what is stated earlier that this Combo is purple in color and not red like what he drew. Also, this said Combo has gold linings in it and the eyes will be purple as well. Since these images are hand drawn, he promised that he will bring solid photographs of the said combo this January.

Take these rumors as a grain of salt. Let us wait for official confirmation coming from TOEI or any official source such as scans and the like.

Special thanks to DecaEnd of HJU for the drawings!