
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Power Rangers Samurai Morph and Fight!

Go! Go! Samurai! You can think of it as either a pun for the Japanese word for "five" or either a throwback to the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers theme song, but anyways, here is the morphing sequence of the Samurai Rangers and their fight against an army of Nanashi... I mean, Moogers first found in PRS' official page on Nick!

Let me say from the start: I love the new morphers. Sure, they eliminated the brush point from Shinkenger but they replaced it with digital pointers and since they are the new generation of Rangers, it worked!

As for the morphing sequence, I am quite bothered with the ninja mask since it clearly shows how cultural blind the producers of PRS. Seriously, if they will make this show as close as Shinkenger as possible, retain the traditional Japanese clothing.

Since the next part is Shinkenger footage, I will not comment on this but I will comment on the dubbing. For starters, it is a little... off. Asides from the return of the cheesy dialogue and the puns, which returned the fun but it made the show a little noisy and rather ruined the supposed disciplined Samurais into those cheesy teens from Angel Grove, but hey, they are still rookies so I can let that pass.

Overall, the new morphing sequence reminded me of the situation back in Jungle Fury in which the Solar Morphers ruined the epic morphing sequence, in this case, the ninja mask. It is still too early to decide if PR Samurai will be as good as Shinkenger (like most people say), but hey, at least they teased us on signs of things to come.