
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nostalgia Extended: Digimon Adventure

Since Nostalgia Trilogy was over almost a year ago, and since it is a trilogy, I decided to extend it with this new series! Not sure about how long will this series be, but if I find a show from back then worth talking about, I will talk about it. For its first serve, we will go to the Digital World with Digimon Adventure!

I first watched Digimon Adventure back in the early 2000, same case with Pokemon in which the TV station that aired it here in the Philippines likes to say that Pokemon will end and stop it for a couple of months and will say that Ash and Pikachu now has new adventures! Probably seeing the success of Pokemon, its rival station decided to air a show quite similar to Pokemon that is Digimon!

Since they want to directly rival Pokemon, as I mentioned in Nostalgia Trilogy, for me to watch both shows, what I did is to press the “Return” button once the other show is on commercial break! Fun, yes. In terms of understanding the plot, I still understand it. After reading an entry about Guinness World of Records, about Pokemon causing seizures in Japan, I decided to stop watching Pokemon and focus only on Digimon… thank God, my decision in focusing on Digimon is right! Pokemon will never end!

Digimon Adventure is about seven kids who just have their summer camp but on that day, their lives will change forever. They were transported into a different world in which they meet monsters known as Digimon, the seven kids meet and we they are: Taichi (The guy will goggles), Koshiro (The geek), Yamato (The bishie), Sora (Girl 1, loves birds), Mimi (Girl 2, loves malling and has a Digimon partner who is either a girl or a boy... that punches!), Takeru (The Kid) and Joe (That guy with glasses). Takeru and Yamato are siblings and Yamato and Taichi are having problems who will lead these kids.They are later added with Taichi's sister, Hikari (Kid 2).

For starters, I got into Digimon not because of the kids, but because of the monsters! Agumon and Gabumon became my instant favorite Digimons and the fact that they return back to normal once they evolve (or what my dub calls it, changes) into a stronger species, making them much more compact compared to Pokemon! Therefore, I officially was hooked with the show.

As the show progressed, one of the reasons why I got into the show is the fact that the monsters themselves grow up as characters along with their assigned partners. We saw how Taichi and Yamato fight because of their specific responsibility; saw how Takeru grew when we saw Patamon who just evolved into Angemon who just died protecting him, and was resurrected as a DigiEgg.

For a kid’s show, those themes are something deep. Something that is rare for an anime aimed for kids. Aside from that, the first series has one of the best character developments that I saw in anime. I mean, if I will compare Satoshi (Ash) with Taichi, Satoshi barely has character development while Taichi has enough character development that lasted for a 54-episode series.

One of the best parts in the original series is when they “let go” of their specific partner Digimon, its emotional but it was partly ruined here in the Philippines when those executive bigwigs decided to air Zero Two before ending Adventure! I was like, what the heck?! What happened to Taichi and co. as they fight the boss to save Earth! But hey, seeing them how they looked like in Zero Two was fun anyway. Plus, seeing that Daisuke wears goggles, I am fine with it and since then, my mind is set that all leaders of the group is required to wear goggles… till Masaru came and ruined the tradition.

If there is an anime that I want to see on TV again, that would be Digimon Adventure. Seeing that a certain TV station likes to rerun Digimon, hope that someday, they would return Digimon Adventure on TV!